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Ageing Barrel Tours

Perfect Wines from the Vineyards we Visit
Customers having fun
Luxury Vehicles
Beautiful Vineyard
Happy Days
Brand New Luxury Tour Bus
Vines in Autumn
Superb Lunches
Views to die for

Ageing Barrel is a wine tour company with a passion for wine and people. Ageing Barrel Tours offer full day wine tours to the award-winning Coal River, Huon and Derwent Valley wine regions.

All tours include a delicious lunch featuring local produce, award winning cool climate wines, beautiful scenery and a fun filled day all experienced in the comfort of a luxury Mercedes Benz Tour Minibuses. On tour, you will get up and close and personal with the winemakers who want to share their passion for wine with you.

Both Group Tours and Private Tours are available for full or half days by request.

Ageing Barrel Tours also has options available to visit local Distilleries, Craft Breweries and Cider makers.

Experience Southern Tasmania’s amazing scenery, produce and passion for life.



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From $60

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