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November 2019

Entertainment Hub: Wrest Point Hotel & Casino

Wrest Point Hotel & Casino is a Hobart icon and vibrant hub of entertainment. Rock out at a concert, celebrate a special occasion over fine food and wine, catch up with friends over cocktails, or cheer on your team over a cold beer.

7 Places to go Fly Fishing in Tasmania’s Midlands

Tasmania is a world-class fly fishing destination with quality trout waters and premium stock. Tour the Heritage Highway hot spots on the Tasmanian Trout Trail. We’ve listed the best places to go fly fishing in Tasmania’s Midlands.

For Foodies: Cooking Schools in Southern Tasmania

Foodies, it’s time to get your hands dirty. Put your money where your mouth is (literally) and book yourself into one of Southern Tasmania’s cooking schools. Learning to cook with fresh Tasmanian produce is one of the best things to do near Hobart.

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