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Huon Valley Studio Art Trail

Huon Valley Studio Art Trail. Image Credit: Darren Wright Photography

The annual Huon Valley Studio Art Trail is set to take place in October 2023. Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th October 2023 See website for

Weekend Guide to Hobart Markets

Salamanca Market

Your Weekend Guide to Hobart Markets, southern Tasmania Hobart is known for its vibrant arts scene and local Markets. Hobart Markets stand out as windows

What’s on in Hobart Tasmania

Hobart waterfront and kunanyi / Mt Wellington. Image Credit: Tourism Tasmania & Tony Crehan

Discover what’s on in Hobart, Tasmania, from events and festivals to local art, craft and produce markets. Welcome to Hobart’s exciting events and festivals scene!

Markets on the Heritage Highway

Evandale market. Image Credit: Tourism Tasmania & Adrian Cook

Heritage Highway Markets Take an enchanting journey along the Heritage Highway, immersing yourself in the captivating world of its local markets. These charming village markets

What’s on along the Heritage Highway

Ross Bridge 📷 Darren Wright

Upcoming Events along Tasmania’s Heritage Highway Join us as we unveil the hidden gems, events, and attractions that await you along Tasmania’s Heritage Highway.  Heritage

Travellers Cloaks Exhibition

Travellers Cloaks Exhibition

The Weaver’s Cottages Studio, Oatlands, is currently showcasing an exciting exhibition of collaborative works by members of the Handweavers, Spinners and Dyers Guild of Tasmania.

Our Guide to the Oatlands Heritage & Bullock Festival

Oatlands Heritage & Bullock Festival

For one vibrant weekend in August, Tasmania’s history comes vividly to life in the 19th century sandstone village of Oatlands. Follow the Shadows of the Past to the Oatlands Heritage & Bullock Festival and discover a wealth of traditional trades and crafts, engaging displays and activities, live music and yummy food.

Paint The Town Red 2023

JUNE 2023 1st – 30th June 2023 As the winter months set in, nipaluna / Hobart and southern Tasmania are getting ready to celebrate with

Ultimate Guide to Dark Mofo 2023

Dark Mofo Nude Swim

Dark Mofo is a celebration of public art, live music, performance, and nocturnal revelry, during the coldest, darkest time of the year. Commemorating 10 years

Entertainment Hub: Wrest Point Hotel & Casino

Wrest Point Hotel & Casino is a Hobart icon and vibrant hub of entertainment. Rock out at a concert, celebrate a special occasion over fine food and wine, catch up with friends over cocktails, or cheer on your team over a cold beer.

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