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Welcome to Southern Tasmania

Discover where to eat, sleep and play in Tasmania's South

Welcome to Southern Tasmania

Southern Tasmania is a realm of natural wonders, dark skies, and unforgettable experiences. From the bustling historic streets of Hobart to the serene beauty of the Huon Valley, every corner of Southern Tasmania is a treasure waiting to be uncovered.


Autumn in Southern Tasmania is really something special

Autumn along the Heritage Highway. Image Credit: @rhyspopephotography
Autumn along the Heritage Highway. Image Credit: @rhyspopephotography

We know our lovely island has a heart of gold, and in autumn, the outside matches the inside!

There’s magic in the air as deciduous trees transform greenery into enchanting displays of glowing golds, rusty reds and vibrant oranges. 

Southern Tasmania Featured Events:

Southern Tasmania Featured Deals:

Valid 01/05/2024 –

Welcome to a place where the uncommon is common. Where you can throw off the shackles and feel everything deeply.

It’ll reawaken your spirit.

kunanyi / Mt Wellington. Image Credit: Pete Mellows

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