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Bream Creek Farmers Market

First Sunday of the monthe
Fresh produce including free range eggs from happy chooks

Bream Creek Farmers Market is a produce-based market held at the Bream Creek Show Grounds on the first Sunday of every month, showcasing growers, cooks, brewers, producers and makers, from South Eastern Tasmania and beyond.

Bream Creek Farmers Market is a place to share the excess from your garden or market and sell your Tasmanian produce and specialty products while enjoying a day of fresh air amongst Bream Creek’s lush green paddocks, a roll down the hill to the seaside.

They believe in locally grown, organic, sustainable and ethical produce that is delivered fresh and seasonally by the people who produce and grow it.

Gather together innovative foodies, gourmet gardeners and brilliant brewers, throw your aprons on and share your fare in the farmer’s backyard. Let’s fill up Tasmania’s larders, with the finest and freshest on offer.


5 May 2024



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