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Bruny Island Beer Co.

Bruny Island Cellar Door
Beer and Cheese Tasting
Whey Stout
Smoky Tea Tree Ale

Bruny Island Beer Co. started with a conversation between a cheese maker and a brewer. Nick Haddow, founder of Bruny Island Cheese Co., and Evan Hunter, formerly of Tasmanian stalwarts Seven Sheds, Moo Brew and Lark Distillery, designed the brewery around a shared enthusiasm for fermentation and regionally distinctive, artisan produce.

The brewery was built behind the cheesery in Great Bay, Bruny Island and our first beer was released in February 2016. The unique brewhouse has been built to Evan’s specifications using recycled dairy equipment sourced from local farms.

While we maximise the quality and consistency of our products with a mix of old and modern technology, we practise a simple approach to brewing – one that harks back to older methods of making and maturing beer.

We brew slow beer in small batches, and lift, tip and stir everything by hand, knowing that quality is only attainable through determination and hard work.



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