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Cinnamon and Cherry

Sunrise view from cinnamon and cherry

Opposite the Huon River, in the centre of Franklin, sits Cinnamon and Cherry Cafe, a Turkish inspired coffee shop and bakery. On offer are freshly baked bread and pastries, sweet and savoury.
A variety of fruits, nuts, vegetables and herbs are grown on-site, create the dips, salads, pickles, preserves and treats.

Saturday breakfast menu includes Turkish inspired poached, scrambled or paper baked eggs.
Turkish Kahve, smooth Sahlep (dried orchid root late), Ihlamur (linden flower and cinnamon) or fruity fizzy Gazoz all add to the Turkish flavours.

Cinnamon and Cherry offer a light and spacious dine in experience or the complete menu is available for takeaway to enjoy by the river. There is also a variety of vegan and gluten-free options



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