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Drink Tasmania Premium Tours

Drink Tasmania Full Day Whisky Tour
Drink Tasmania Full Day Wine Tour
Drink Tasmania Full Day Whisky Tour
Drink Tasmania Premium Tours Full Day Whisky Tour
Drink Tasmania Signature Tour
Drink Tasmania Luxury Private Tours

Drink Tasmania Premium Tours helps guests to sample the finest of Tasmania’s whisky, wine, beer and cider all in one fabulous day. Our tours start at Brooke St Pier in central Hobart and have been designed to let guests experience the best of southern Tasmania’s award-winning craft beverages. We offer full and half day tours. Our guides specialise in the craft beverages industry, having been winemakers, whisky producers, bartenders, restaurant owners and researchers. We have customised our tours to reflect what we love about the various industries in Tasmania and to show the vast diversities across producers. We have worked closely with producers to gain access to areas that aren’t always available to the public. Our relationships with the industry is what sets us apart and is what makes Drink Tasmania’s Premium Tours, truly memorable. Tour with the industry insiders!



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