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Freycinet & Wineglass Bay Pack-Free Walk – Life’s an Adventure

Views from Mt Graham on the Freycinet & Wineglass Bay pack-free walk by Life's An Adventure
Views to keep you smiling on the Freycinet & Wineglass Bay pack-free walk by Life's An Adventure
Happy hikers on the Freycinet & Wineglass Bay pack-free walk by Life's An Adventure
Traversing the bay on the Freycinet and Wineglass Bay Pack-Free Walk by Life's An Adventure
View from the saddle on the Freycinet & Wineglass Bay Pack-Free Walk by Life's An Adventure
It's not all hiking on the Freycinet & Wineglass Bay Pack-Free Walk by Life's An Adventure
Wineglass Bay and the Hazards on the Freycinet & Wineglass Bay Pack-Free Walk by Life's An Adventure

This three-day pack-free walking experience has been designed to experience all of Freycinet Peninsula Circuit Walk, without the need to camp overnight in the park. You will only need to carry a small day pack with your lunch, camera and water.

Cooks Beach to Mt Graham is normally only accessible by camping overnight, however on this walking tour, we will join our boat and cruise to Cooks Beach. From here we can walk over the top of Mt Graham, for magnificent views over the entire National Park, before descending to the famous white quartz sands of stunning Wineglass Bay.

The iconic Freycinet Lodge is situated on the waterfront within the National Park, this wonderful eco-lodge enjoys fabulous views over Great Oyster Bay. Evenings are spent in Deluxe Spa cabin accommodation.

Personalised tours are also available.

Our guides are proudly 100% Tasmanian. Our chief guide Danny has grown up walking the trails of Tasmania. His caring attitude and his charming laid back nature ensure your tour is relaxing, fun and informative.

The group will enjoy dining during the evenings in the wonderful Bay Restaurant at Freycinet Lodge offering a selection of cuisine featuring the freshest Tasmanian produce & local wines.



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