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Hobart Convict Penitentiary -Tours & Activities

Immerse yourself in an incredible place of Tasmanian criminal history, that’s only a short walk or Red Decker bus ride from Hobart CBD (Penitentiary Chapel Historic Site stop).

The Hobart Convict Penitentiary was the convict prisoners’ barracks for Hobart Town. It originally spanned over two acres, and some 40,000 male convicts passed through the complex.

Following the cessation of convict transportation, the site became Hobart Gaol. Two wings of the chapel were converted into Tasmania’s Supreme Courts and these were connected by tunnels to the gaol. An execution yard and gallows brought to the site from the old Gaol.

This fascinating history can still be discovered in the buildings that remain – a captivating insight into over 175 years of Hobart’s shadier past.

Access to the site is by guided tour or events only.



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From $60

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