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kunanyi Mountain Run

Runners enjoy a range of landscapes and terrain at kMR
Runners participate in a smoking ceremony
Trail kids run with kunanyi too
A runner passes ferns during their kMR event
The best kept secret of trail running is you don't have to run uphill!
A spectacular view of nipaluna/Hobart greets runners from near the Pinnacle
The Vertical Kilometre provides a steep but spectacular run (or hike) up to the Pinnacle
Elation as a runner crosses the line with family in tow
kMR is more than trail running, it's a festival celebrating community and Mountain Culture
Some parts of the Ultra 66km course involve technical rock scrambling

kunanyi Mountain Run is an epic trail running festival celebrating Hobart’s mountain culture, where every participant can feel the power of connection with the place, and people, of the Mountain, kunanyi.

It is borne from a grassroots demand from the Australian trail running community to hold an immersive event in Australia’s only Mountain capital.


28 March 2025



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20 April 2024
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