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Runnymede – Tours and Activities

This beautifully preserved 19th-century elegant Marine Villa and exquisite gardens is just an eight-minute drive from the Hobart CBD (on route to MONA). It is owned and operated by the National Trust.

Runnymede has a rich collection of artifacts related to the maritime interests of Captain Charles Bayley, who named the house after his favourite ship.

The house was built around 1836 for Robert Pitcairn, one of the first lawyers admitted to the Supreme Court in the Van Diemen’s Land colony and a leading campaigner against the transportation of convicts from Britain. It was also home to Bishop Francis Nixon, Tasmania’s first Anglican bishop.

Access to the house is by guided tour of the house or garden, as well as for events. Follow us on Facebook and check our website regularly for updates and bookings at www.natioanltrust.org.au/tas.

CLOSED for winter maintenance June and July, Good Friday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.



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