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Rustic Bakehouse

Katie & Jarrod Lamprey. Owners of Rustic Bakehouse Wooded Baking Since 1926

Rustic Bakehouse is located in Cressy Tasmania. Baking fresh, delicious artisan bread, pastries, and sweets in our original 1926 Scotch woodfired oven.

Our mission for Rustic is focused on family, lifestyle and a passion for great food, great service and great coffee. Rustic is open every day with woodfired bread available from Tuesday through to Saturday.
“We love that we bake bread and cakes like they used to taste, served in a cafe with a great atmosphere and good old fashion service.”

Woodfired pizza is available Friday nights from 5 pm to 8 pm and we have recently added a child-friendly courtyard space to compliment our cafe dining area.
Rustic Bakehouse is a perfect blend of past and present in one delicious package. We also create pretty epic doughnuts.



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