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Tasmanian Family History Society Inc. Hobart Branch

Home of The Tasmanian family History Society Inc. Hobart Branch
Part of the TFHS Reference library.
Computer room at TFHS Inc.

The Tasmanian Family History Society is situated in the Heritage-listed Old Bellerive Post Office it is a great place to learn more about your Tasmanian ancestors. It welcomes people researching their family history whether your ancestors were from Tasmania, Mainland Australia or overseas you will find resources that may help your research.

If you are visiting Hobart for a week or just one day they can help you with your family tree research. You will have access to their genealogical resources, including access to Ancestry.com, as well as many databases, monumental inscriptions, undertakers records, wills, newspaper transcriptions etc. You can be ably assisted by one of the society’s volunteers who have a wealth of knowledge in genealogical research.

COVID Restrictions may apply at short notice: Time limits on accessing Ancestry.com computers may apply depending on demand.



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