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Tasmanian Honey Company

Visit The Tasmanian Honey Company’s gift shop and enjoy free tastings, in Perth, Northern Tasmania. The Tasmanian Honey Company began in 1978 as the concept of Julian Wolfhagen, a beekeeper with a profound passion for Tasmania, its wild forests and the honey that they produce.

Today Julian employs more than a dozen staff and exports pure, beautifully packaged honey right around the world. The Tasmanian Honey Company’s success has largely been built on a passion for, and a commitment to the production of wild and uncompromised leatherwood honey, which they like to think of as the distillate of the wilderness.

Julian was involved with bees as a child, however, a re-acquaintance with bees and honey via a good bottle of mead shared around the fire on a cold winter’s night, planted an inspirational seed that was to grow into what is now the Tasmanian Honey Company. The business has thrived ever since.

Perth is a 17-minute drive (18 km) south of Launceston.



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