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Tasmanian Wool Centre

Tasmanian Wool Centre Entry
Retail display
TWC Information Centre
'Knit Your Bits' temporary exhibition opening
Fleece Samples in the Wool Room

There’s something about Ross, Tasmania – It’s a collection of marvels everywhere you look, giving one the impression that there’ll always be something to see, despite its size. Does that sound like a nice place to stop off on the Midland Highway? We hope so! The Tasmanian Wool Centre has been nestled in this idyllic village since its inception in 1988.

As a not-for-profit business, the Tasmanian Wool Centre contributes directly back into the Ross Community, preserving the heritage, and developing and maintaining wonderful unique visitor experiences that share the stories of Ross. Being surrounded by expansive properties that continue to produce fine wool, we have grown to be the largest retailer of woollens in Tasmania, offering everything from timeless, comfortable wearables to superfine, ethical yarn.

All the manufacturers we deal with use Australian wool in their garments. Some of the items we stock are made in Australia, and some are manufactured offshore. This enables us to provide an extensive range of options and price points for our customers, with a focus on quality.

When you call in, also take the time to visit our fabulous onsite Museum which relates to our region’s history and wool connections. There are many artefacts on display in our Wool Exhibition room and adjoining History Gallery, including permanent exhibitions on the Ross Bridge, as well as changing short-term exhibitions.



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