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Two Metre Tall Farmhouse Ale & Cider

Ashley is the height behind the name of the company!
Owner, Jane Huntington will be there to welcome you at the Farm Bar & cellar door.
Two Metre Tall brews are unique in the world of craft beer.
A converted shearing shed houses the on farm brewery.
Picnic tables and bench seats provide a rustic space for relaxing with a pint or two.

A farmhouse brewery in the heart of the Derwent Valley. They grow ingredients on the farm where their ale and cider are brewed. Two Metre Tall Farmhouse Ale and Cider also source raw ingredients from other Tasmanian growers and farmers.

Two Metre Tall is well known across Australia and the world as a pioneer of wild fermenting and barrel ageing ales, ciders and mead.

The Farm Bar and cellar door serves ales on traditional hand pumps. Free tastings. Pack a picnic. Barbecue facilities are also available.



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