
As you browse the site, add accommodation, tours, events and attractions to your personalised trip by clicking the heart icon. When you’re done, click the heart icon in the menu at the top of the website to view your wishlist.

Review your list, remove any items you no longer need, then select “View your itinerary” to see your trip on a map, or send it to a friend.

Other Useful Info

For everything else you might need to know when travelling around southern Tasmania, here’s a short list of some more helpful information.

Plan ahead before arriving in Hobart & beyond.

Free WI-FI

The Tasmanian government has recently partnered with Telstra to offer free Wi-Fi at 50 locations across Tasmania, including popular locations in Tasmania’s south like Port Arthur, Salamanca and Hobart’s docks. You can access 30 minutes of free Wi-Fi for each device, at each network location, each day.

Find out more at this website.


Although tips are not expected here in Tasmania, it’s always nice to tip for great service and our locals will appreciate this gesture!


Our currency is the same as the other states of Australia – the Australian dollar. All major credit cards can also be used here.


Essential information is not complete without mention of fun. It’s compulsory around here.

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