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Coal Mines Historic Site

Historic Oil Bunker at the Coal Mines Historic Site
Ruins at the Coal Mine Historic Site
Coal Mines Historic Site

The UNESCO World Heritage-listed Coal Mines Historic Site is approximately a 75-minute drive from Hobart and a 25-minute drive from Port Arthur.

One of the 11 sites that together form the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Property, it was Tasmania’s first operational mine. Developed both to limit the colony’s dependence upon costly imported coal from New South Wales, serving as a place of punishment for the “worst class” of convicts from Port Arthur, the mine was operational for over 40 years.

Today, the Coal Mines offer visitors the chance to discover among the uncrowded ruins and scenic vistas a different perspective on Tasmania’s convict history. It is a great place to explore on foot, with a number of tracks and paths around the extensive site.

There are signs and displays to guide you around and inform you about the history of the Site. A printed guide to the Coal Mines is available from the Visitor Centre at the Port Arthur Historic Site.

Ensure to check the weather before you arrive so you can bring the most appropriate clothing and footwear.

Entry is free and there are basic picnic and toilet facilities at the site.



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