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Franklin Wharf

The riverside township of Franklin has lots of old-fashioned Tasmanian charm, from the quaint historic buildings and streetscape to the pretty wooden boats floating on the Huon River. Located in the ultra-scenic Huon Valley, Franklin is the oldest township in the region and sits quietly on the western side of the beautiful Huon River.

Franklin is vibrant and charming, with a real village feel. Quaint old buildings and cottages line the main street, many with front gardens full of flowers and fruit growing on heirloom trees while quiet lanes lead up to the hills behind the town and offer wonderful views of the township and river below.

Franklin serves up a feast of local food and produce with a good selection of eateries including riverfront cafes and restaurants. Roadside fruit stands sell fresh local apples and pears – a reminder of the rich apple-growing heritage of the Huon Valley.

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From $360
From $230

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