
As you browse the site, add accommodation, tours, events and attractions to your personalised trip by clicking the heart icon. When you’re done, click the heart icon in the menu at the top of the website to view your wishlist.

Review your list, remove any items you no longer need, then select “View your itinerary” to see your trip on a map, or send it to a friend.

Lap of Tasmania

Rugged sea cliffs and glowing white-sand beaches - enjoy them all on a Lap of Tasmania road trip
Drive through pristine rainforest on your Lap of Tasmania road trip
Experience the colonial history of Tasmania's Midlands on your Lap of Tasmania road trip
Enjoy the iconic Tarkine wilderness on your Lap of Tasmania road trip

At the Lap of Tasmania I love helping you plan and enjoy the perfect Tasmania road trip.

Forget stuffy tour buses and early starts. Whether it’s by car, caravan or motorhome, my free itineraries, regional guides and local advice will help you plan your road trip itinerary and discover this magic island at your own pace and budget.

Drop by the Lap of Tasmania website, or join our community on Facebook and start your holiday planning today. We can’t wait to say g’day!



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