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Peppermint Bay

Peppermint Bay is located 35 minutes south of Hobart in Woodbridge, Tasmania. Built in 2003, our award-winning architecturally designed building overlooks the D’Entrecasteaux Channel and Bruny Island. The trip down from Hobart is renowned for its scenic rural landscapes, quiet towns and the breathtaking views.

Staying true to our roots, Head Chef Zena Roberts puts a heavy emphasis on a seasonally changing menu making the most of the produce from our own gardens and local growers. Feel free to take a wander up to the garden and check out what’s in season – it’s sure to end up on your plate. We love our Tasmanian producers, and we’re pretty sure they do it best. Our wine list is a testament to this, showcasing primarily Tasmanian wine, beer, cider and spirits.

We are open Thursday to Sunday lunch and Thursday and Friday for Dinner



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