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Rock Lobster

Rock Lobster
Rock Lobster- spa
Rock Lobster
Rock Lobster
Rock Lobster
Rock Lobster

Rock Lobster is a beautifully appointed three or four bedroom holiday home, ideal for adult getaways to stunning Southport and featuring a private hot tub under the stars!

Overlooking Southport’s beautiful bay, Rock Lobster offers the perfect base to explore Tasmania’s Far South with an elegant and stylish accommodation awaiting your return each day.

Stroll across to the beach and throw in a line, hire a local kayak and test the waters or just sit back on your expansive deck and enjoy the laid back lifestyle of tranquil Southport.

Rock Lobster can be booked either as a three bedroom house with one bathroom, or a four bedroom house with two bathrooms (fourth bedroom and ensuite have a separate entry).




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