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Review your list, remove any items you no longer need, then select “View your itinerary” to see your trip on a map, or send it to a friend.

Tasmanian Travel and Information Centre Hobart

The TTIC Team outside the visitor centre
Hobart, Tasmania
Tasmanian Travel and Information Centre
Cruise ship terminal

Here at the Tasmanian Travel and Information Centre, we take the time to listen to what you want from your holiday and create a tailored itinerary just for you. We work with you before and during your stay to make sure that you will experience the side of Tassie that we know and love. We can help guide you in your holiday choices and offer suggestions to enhance your holiday and truly connect with Tassie.

We are located on the corner of Elizabeth and Davey streets, right in the heart of the waterfront and CBD. We are also available to answer queries and make tour bookings in Elizabeth Street Mall Info Hub



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