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The Wall in the Wilderness

The Wall In The Wilderness is situated at Derwent Bridge in Tasmania’s Central Highlands. It is Australia’s most ambitious art project undertaken in recent years. By 2015 creator/designer, Greg Duncan plans to carve the history of the highlands in 100 metres of timber, most of which will be in our rare Huon Pine.

The beautifully carved works set out in relief sculpture depict the history, hardship and perseverance of the people in the Central Highlands and pay homage to the individuals who settled and protected the area.

Duncan is already known for the uncanny realism he brings to his work and his pieces are sought after by collectors around the world. Each metre of the panels, including horses, thylacines and foresters represents a month’s work.

There is nothing like this anywhere else in Australia. The Wall is a world-class experience.



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