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Walton House

Guest Lounge
Guest Lounge
Guest Lounge
Guest Lounge
Bathroom 1
Bedroom 1
Room 2
Room 2

Walton House is situated near the Huon River with a beautiful outlook in the heart of the Huon. Have it both ways with the serenity of the countryside, yet accessible to the beaches, mountains, local amenities and attractions.

The primary residence of Walton House is over 100 years old. Their guests enjoy using the guest accommodation adjacent to the private home. You can come and go as you please. You will have access to the guest accommodation independently for the entire stay, with easy check-in and check-out, ample parking, free WiFi, and beautiful amenities.

Rooms are immaculately appointed, and you will experience a relaxed stay directed only by your own itinerary. A short walk into Huonville and easy access to local sights and attractions will ensure you have a memorable stay.

Two guest suites are available with fabulous common areas, including the guest lounge and courtyard. If you’d like the option of booking the entire guest accommodation, simply book both suites simultaneously.

Please note that our accommodation is not suitable for children or infants.




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From $520

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