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Woolmers Estate Accommodation

Free Settlers Cottages
Free Settlers Cottages
Free Settlers Cottages
Free Settlers Cottages

Woolmers Estate offers colonial accommodation across six self-contained cottages in Longford, Tasmania.

Built in the 1840s, the cottages range from one to three bedrooms and can accommodate between two and six guests.

Four Free Settlers Cottages have been designed to appeal to groups of friends travelling together, couples and independent travelers. These cottages are in blocks of two with doors that may be opened to interconnect them if required. Each cottage has a wood burning heater plus electric heating and a self-contained kitchen. The cottages were once home to tradespeople who worked on the estate.

Woolmers Estate is a significant example of a 19th century rural farm settlement in Australia. Wander around the extensive grounds, colonial buildings and the Rose Garden. Soak up the atmosphere of a bygone era and take a guided convict tour or guided tour of the main homestead. This splendid homestead has family collections, original furniture and memorabilia.

Located an easy 25 minute drive south-west of Launceston (24 km), the estate gives a unique insight into early colonial life.




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