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Candy Abalone

Diver Wild Harvesting Candy Abalone
Connecting food with nature
Candy Abalone tours
Candy Abalone tours
Candy Abalone Tours
Candy Abalone
Candy Abalone Drying Facility
Eating Dried Candy Abalone

Candy Abalone produces some of the best quality dried abalone in the world. The best quality dried abalone starts with the best quality fresh abalone and Tasmania is renowned for the finest seafood in the world. Candy Abalone uses age old drying techniques to create their highly sought after dried abalone products.

Candy Abalone is an essential stop on the foodie tourism route, and with views over the Barilla Bay Oyster Farm and the Coal Valley, Candy Abalone offers a unique opportunity for visitors to understand how this unique product is harvested, tour the drying facilities, learn about the history of the abalone industry and abalone diving, and meet the people that make Candy Abalone tick.

Combined tours with Barilla Bay Oysters are available, offering a fantastic culinary experience for discerning food lovers and travellers. A shop selling a variety of Candy Abalone products and other Tasmanian produce is onsite, as well as a cafe and a la carte restaurant. Tasting and bespoke tours are available on request.

Conveniently located just near Hobart airport on the Tasman Highway. Bookings for tours are essential.



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