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In the olive orchard- A tasting and learning olive experience

Touring the olive orchard
Olive Tree in Flower
Campo de Flori Olive Orchard
Campo de Flori Extra virgin Olive Oil
Campo de Flori Olive Orchard
In the olive orchard
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tasting
Olive Oil Tasting

Lisa and David invite you to engage all your senses while discovering the natural beauty of olives in the Campo de Flori Olive Orchard. You will smell and taste your way around Tasmanian with some of the of the most flavoursome Extra Virgin Olive Oils we have curated from around the state, including our own Campo de Flori Farm Blend, which has laboratory tested at premium status with awards at the Royal Tasmanian Fine Food Awards.

Each of the oils has been chosen for its unique characteristics from mild to robust. You will learn to smell and taste like a judge with your own take home Campo de Flori information booklet to guide you through the day.

After the tasting, you will stroll through the orchard to learn about the nine varieties of olives grown in the Campo de Flori Orchard. The orchards come alive in December and January with flowering trees filled with the hum of busy giant bumblebees and honeybees! A sound not to missed.

If the Tassie weather happens to get a bit wild, the tasting will be moved inside to our beautiful warm and dry farm gate workshop where we will have afternoon tea of a variety of Stone and Grove olive leaf teas, and olive cake, and a take home100ml bottle of Campo de Flori extra virgin olive oil,


25 April 2024




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25 April 2024
26 April 2024

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