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Mures Upper Deck

Seafood at Mures Upper Deck
Tasmanian Scallops
Alaskan Snow Crab Salad
Mures Line-Caught Pink Ling
Seafood Antipasto
Tasmanian Southern Rock Lobster Mornay
Creole Tasmanian Octopus Salad
Mixed Tasmanian Oysters
Mures on Victoria Dock
Mures Upper Deck on Victoria Dock

Situated in the heart of Hobart with an absolute waterfront position overlooking Victoria Dock, Mures Upper Deck enjoys a location like no other. A superb setting for you to enjoy the finest quality seafood, most direct from our own, sustainable long-line fishing vessel, and the very best of seasonal local produce. Our Executive Chef takes pride in delivering a regularly updated, high-quality menu with options that can be tailored to your tastes and dietary requirements.

Mures Upper Deck is the flagship of a group of companies founded by George and Jill Mure over 40 years ago. We proudly remain a family-owned business with a passion for local seafood, Tasmania, and a commitment to sustainably managed seafood practices.



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