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Sled Dog Adventures Tasmania

10 dog team - Sled Dog Experience
Early morning run
8 dog guided sled dog tour
'Chase' and 'Peyton'
Alaskan Husky 'Banjo'
The Phantom

Sled Dog Adventures Tasmania offers a unique range of dryland dog sled dog tours during the winter season. Located just a one-hour drive south of Hobart, the tours are based at the majestic grounds of the River’s Edge Wilderness Campground.

Meet working sled dogs, learn about the history of the sled dog kennel, and then be guided through magical temperate forests behind a team of 8 to 12 Siberian Huskies.

On arrival you will be able to keep warm by the campfire and enjoy complimentary hot drinks during your tour session to take the chill away. This activity is suitable for all ages and abilities.



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