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Tranquil Point Retreat

270 degree of Ocean views
The Huon Pine Room
The Sassafras Room
Views from Tranquil Point Retreat
Breakfast outside
Tranquil Point Fire Pit

Located in Tasmania’s picturesque Huon Valley on the magnificent waters of Deep Bay, Tranquil Point is a one-hour drive south of Hobart’s International airport and eight minutes from Cygnet.

Tranquil Point caters to family getaways and retreats; training courses; corporate and leadership groups as well as private groups.

Tranquil Point boasts stunning 270 degree ocean views and fresh, clean air with the glorious backdrop of the Hartz Mountain national park. It is the perfect place for groups to enjoy without the distractions of everyday life. 3.5 acres of stunning headland with hidden bays and tranquil beaches.

The homestead provides six light-filled and comfortable guest rooms, a fully equipped kitchen, and three bathrooms accommodating up to 15 guests.

Tranquil Point focuses on sustainability. It generates its own solar power and utilises rainwater throughout the property. It has an organic vegetable garden and small apricot orchard that guests can help themselves to when on site.




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