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Fat Pig Farm

This Little Pig
Farm Feast
Fat Pig Farm Frittata
Iris in portrait
Seasonal Dessert
Matthew Evans with woodfired pork
Fat Pig Farm
Fat Pig Farm
Fat Pig Farm
Fat Pig Farm

Fat Pig Farm is home to Gourmet Farmers Matthew Evans and Sadie Chrestman. Together, they run their 70 acre family farm in the beautiful Huon Valley, south of Hobart, where they live and nurture food from the soil to turn into great meals for the farmhouse table and beyond. Along with the namesake Wessex Saddleback pigs, the farm is home to chooks, a beef herd, full cream cows, goats, a market garden and heritage apple orchard.

Over the summer Sadie and Matthew will be hosting lunches, picnics and tours. Check out the website for details.

Matthew Evans is a chef by trade, and also an author, television broadcaster, and an advocate for sustainable food farming and a strong believer in knowing and trusting what you eat. Fat Pig Farm is an extension of this philosophy and you’re invited to share in the spoils!



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