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MACq 01 Hotel

Tassie S’mores by MACq 01
Luxury accommodation at MACq 01 Hotel in Hobart
MACq 01 Lounge
MACq 01 - a storytelling hotel.
Luxury accommodation at MACq 01 Hotel in Hobart
S'mores on a MACq 01 deck
The Story Bar at MACq 01 Hotel
Evolve Spirits Bar by MACq 01 Hotel
Old Wharf Restaurant at MACq 01 Hotel
MACq 01 Tassie S'mores

Nestled in the heart of the historic Hobart waterfront, MACq 01 is Australia’s first storytelling hotel. Throughout the halls and across the walls of the hotel you’ll find engaging pieces of history, tales and fables that make up the remarkable history of Tasmania. MACq 01’s unique Hidden Hobart Storytelling Tour has become a must-do experience for visitors to Tasmania.

MACq 01 Hotel offers a variety of 114 rooms and suites, each characterised by a generous floorplan and relaxed and informal style. All waterfront rooms have views of both the River Derwent and Mount Wellington, with Hunter Rooms overlooking the historic Hunter Street which is steeped in colonial history.

MACq 01 is the perfect place to begin exploring the magic and mystery of Tasmania. MACq 01 is situated on Hunter Street on the old Hunter Island, one of the earliest sites of European settlement in Tasmania. Surrounded by yachts, docks, convict-built sandstone warehouses and a vast expanse of open water. Only a short five-minute walk from the city or the famous Salamanca Square, MACq 01 is the perfect place to begin creating your own Tasmanian story.




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