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Rockwall Bar and Grill

Reef and Beef
Banoffee Pavlova
Four Point Tasmanian Lamb Rack
Salamanca Sandstone Georgian Warehouses
Rockwall Bar and Grill Façade
Bruny Island Oysters
Dessert Special - Tasmanian Raspberries and cream
Rockwall Share Plate featuring Crispy Scottsdale Pork Belly, Tasmanian Calamari & Queensland Prawns
Braised Tasmanian beef cheeks with roasted root vegetables

Extraordinary Tasmania in every sip and bite.

Freshly shucked Bruny Island oysters, grass fed Cape Grim beef, exquisite, locally produced wine’s & cheese. Hand selected for exceptional quality and ethical farming practices.

A significant symbol of Hobart’s history. Convict labour was used to quarry the cliffs, cut the stone and build the row of stunning Georgian sandstone warehouses including that of Rockwall Bar and Grill.



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