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Sauna Boat Tasmania

Sauna Boat Tasmania - Overlooking the picturesque Little Oyster Bay

Sauna Boat Tasmania invites you to embark on a unique journey of relaxation and rejuvenation amidst the stunning backdrop of Southern Tasmania. Nestled in the tranquility of Little Oyster Cove, just a short drive from Hobart and conveniently located at the gateway to Bruny Island, our bespoke experience offers an escape from the ordinary.

Step aboard our Scandinavian-inspired sauna boat and immerse yourself in a serene sauna ceremony. Let the stress melt away as you bask in the calming warmth of our sauna, all while taking in the breathtaking vistas of Tasmania’s coastal waters. Afterward, invigorate your senses with a refreshing plunge into the crystal-clear waters right from our dedicated plunge area.

What sets Sauna Boat Tasmania apart is our dedication to blending the architectural beauty and craftsmanship of Tasmanian timber with the natural splendour of our coastal surroundings. Whether you choose to share this bespoke experience with others or claim it all for yourself, our flexible booking options cater to your preferences, ensuring a personalised experience for all.

Rest assured knowing that Oyster Cove Marina proudly boasts the esteemed International Clean Marina Level 3 Accreditation, ensuring that your experience with us is not only unforgettable but also environmentally conscious.

Discover the perfect harmony of relaxation and natural beauty with Sauna Boat Tasmania. Unwind, rejuvenate, and create unforgettable moments on Tasmania’s scenic waters.



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