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Pennicott Wilderness Journeys – Tasmanian Seafood Seduction

Tasmanian Seafood Seduction
Tasmanian Seafood Seduction
Tasmanian Seafood Seduction
Rock Lobster
Sea urchin and abalone

Harvest and feast on the freshest Tasmanian seafood in an intimate full day cruise in the calm waters surrounding Bruny Island.

Watch your guide snorkel and dive for abalone and sea urchin.

Enjoy a diverse range of Tasmanian seafood with the bays and deserted beaches of Bruny Island as your backdrop. Sit back and watch your guide shuck abundant plump oysters. Sample the unique flavour of sea urchin straight from the sea. Savour rock lobster, abalone and salmon accompanied by fresh breads, salads, cheese and Tasmanian wines, beers, ciders and organic juices.



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From $60

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