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Tidbit and Morsel

A warm welcome awaits
Gourmet Meal in the Making
Tasmanian Honey
Dark Chocolate
Pink Lady Chocolate Twists Pick n' Mix
Port Meireon Beauty

An experience in the wonderful world of chocolate, Tasmanian food products and an array of gifts for those special occasions. Hampers made to order.

Boxed and loose handmade chocolates, Tasmanian treats, European and Australian fine foods.

Browse our range of Easter, Christmas and Seasonal Specialties.

Tidbit and Morsel is now located at 85 High Street, as part of an historic former stables complex in the heart of the Georgian sandstone heritage town of Oatlands Tasmania.

You will find us at 85 High Street, just a short stroll from the Callington Mill Heritage Precinct and the award – winning Callington Distillery.



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