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March 2019

Quiet Charm: 7 Things to Do in Tunbridge

The little town of Tunbridge, in the Southern Midlands, came into existence back in 1809. Today, the Midland Highway bypasses the town, so it retains a quiet charm. Pull off the highway, admire the 19th century buildings, and imagine what life was like during Tasmania’s coaching heyday.

Enjoy a Relaxing Getaway at Lake Leake

Lake Leake was created in the 1880s to supply water for Campbell Town. Today, Lake Leake offers a peaceful getaway for lucky shack owners and visitors seeking a break from the daily grind. The lake is particularly enjoyed by fishing enthusiasts. We’ve put together some tips on visiting this tranquil spot.

7 Things to Do at Avoca

Experience good old fashioned country charm at Avoca, a small village about a half hour drive north east from Campbell Town. The area was officially settled in 1834 as a farming, coal and tin mining village. Today, it’s all about farming (and ice cream).

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