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9 Things to Do at Lake Dulverton

Lake Dulverton. Image Credit: Alastair Bett

Adjacent to the heritage tow of Oatlands, you’ll find picturesque Lake Dulverton, a waterbird sanctuary and wonderful spot to visit and relax. Enjoy the lakeside walk, do some birdwatching, have a picnic, and see if you can spot the quirky characters submerged in and hanging out by the water. We’ve put together a few tips on how to make the most of your lakeside time.

Go into the Wild at Strathgordon

Gordon River Road, on way to Strathgordon. Image Credit Stu Gibson

Strathgordon is literally the place at the end of the road, nestled deep within Tasmania’s rugged southwest on the edge of World Heritage Wilderness Area. Adventure awaits around Lake Pedder, with hiking, fishing, boating, kayaking, and swimming—not to mention the world’s highest commercial abseil to conquer!

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