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Lake Gordon – Lake Pedder – Strathgordon

Gordon Dam
Overlooking Lake Fidler

Take a good sealed road 150 kilometres west from Mt Field National Park to reach Lake Gordon and Lake Pedder, set in Tasmania’s wild south-west wilderness and ringed with rugged mountain ranges. Both lakes are a mecca for fishermen with some of the best trout fishing in the state. Near Strathgordon is the mighty Gordon Dam, the site of one of the world’s highest commercial abseils, run by Aardvark Adventures.

Lake Pedder and its companion Lake Gordon, together comprise the largest inland freshwater storage in Australia, covering more than 500 square kilometres and holding more than 37 times the volume of water than Sydney Harbour.

When travelling to the Lake Pedder area please take suitable clothing to suit the changeable weather conditions. Weather conditions in Tasmania can change quickly and frequently, especially in mountain areas. Snow, rain, wind and sun are all possible at any time of the year.

Park passes must be purchased for entry to Tasmania’s national parks.


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